Canine Friends: Beckford’s Tower – 3¼ miles
Saturday 19th April at 10:00 am – 12:00 pm

Beckford’s Tower is a well-known landmark near the Lansdown racecourse in Bath. This walk takes us round the back of this tower with spectacular views over Weston and Bath. We then cross to the other side of the main road and go through Ensleigh and then round the back of the playing fields, before crossing the road again at the racecourse and then crossing Lansdown Lane to go round the back of those playing fields to our starting point.
If people feel like it, we may stop off at the Charlcombe Inn (formerly the Blathwayt Arms) by the racecourse for coffee part way round.
We will stay on the plateau that is Lansdown, so it is pretty flat most of the way round. There are signs about keeping dogs on leads, but people seem to ignore them unless there is livestock about.
Given that this walk is scheduled for Easter Saturday, we are aware that people may be away visiting relatives, etc. So please let us know if you are coming.
Already a member? Please log in to find out more details, including where to park and meet, etc. Not a member? If you are interested in joining us on this walk, please contact us using the form below.