The Saltford Walkers are a local walking group run by local people.
We are affiliated to Saltford Community Association and also the Ramblers. We follow all conventional safety procedures, and are insured against accidents. Our walks are almost always checked out by doing a ‘pre-walk’ a few weeks beforehand, to ensure that the route is fully passable.
The club began in 1975 with an advert placed in Saltford Post Office and the Keynsham Chronicle inviting anyone interested in walking to meet up at The Crown. The following week, a five-mile walk around Kelston was enjoyed by a handful of happy walkers. From then on word spread and within three years numbers steadily grew to 52. The first AGM took place in early January 1978, and we’ve been going strong ever since, now numbering around 55.
Our committee consists of:
President — Helen Gilroy
Vice President — Martin Jones
Chairman — Nigel Hathaway
Vice Chairman — Sue Rogers
Secretary — Isobel Osborne
Treasurer — Peter Bamber
Programme Secretaries — Bev Perrington, David Godden and Olive Woolcott
Social Secretary — Julie Collins
Communications Secretary — (position vacant)