Today 15 of us walked around a section of Chew Valley Lake on the Chew Valley Lake path. I was told there were 16 of us on the walk. I can only count 15 in the photograph, and one of the 16 wasn’t the photographer, as the photographer was a stranger with a couple of dogs.
Our thanks to Peter (and his wife, of course) and Olive for leading a great walk. We couldn’t have asked for a better day after all the heavy rains of the night. We arrived to find the car park at Woodford Lodge full with what we assumed were fishermen’s vehicles. With a bit of jiggling and driving around, everyone found somewhere to perch. We headed off around the lake with views and had coffee, tea etc. at the Salt and Malt. We continued to have views out over the lake and through the woods. Later, we headed back to the Salt and Malt for a 1 pm lunch.
I think everyone would agree to having a really good lunch as a bonus to our day out. The only downside, and I hope she doesn’t mind me mentioning it, is that Olive lost one of her hearing aids