Eleven of us set off from Shipham, an old mining village in the Mendips, towards Star.
We headed along Lyncombe Hill, stopping at the Old Forge for our coffee break. The forge was used by Italian prisoners of war and locals to make tools for the quarry for Burrington Oolite stone.

…we were able to see the remains of the prisoner of war toilet.

We continued our walk following field paths towards Winscombe passing very cute donkeys.

Reaching a junction, we headed through the hamlet of Winterhead, previously a lead mining settlement, and walked beside a peaceful stream.
Finally, we headed down a beautiful… but very steep woodland track. A very steep ‘incline’ followed which brought us back to Shipham.
A beautiful Spring walk… with a bit of mud….and a few inclines. A great day.

Lucky you all picked a perfect Spring day!!