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The passing of Pam Walker

I was advised yesterday of the death of Pam Walker just before Christmas.

I first met Pam and her husband Peter just after I had joined the Walkers. They were both worked for British Aerospace and had many interesting stories to tell of their trips abroad both with work and to visit their family.

Karol Rayner

5 thoughts on “The passing of Pam Walker”

  1. Incredibly sad news. A lady of dry wit who was never afraid to voice an opinion. Pam and Peter led fascinating walks, brimming with knowledge of the area we were in, plus the flora and fauna.

  2. I always enjoyed walks led by Peter and Pam Walker. They could always point out interesting things, and Pam’s knowledge of flowers and trees knew no bounds. I especially enjoyed their annual New Years Day walks, where walkers from Bathampton Walking Group were invited to join us. These walks were always a figure of eight which meant some people came just for one half of the walk, so, if you stayed all day you met lots of different people.
    On one occasion I visited Peter and Pam at their home and was amazed at the variety of fruit and vegetables they grew. Pam was kept busy pickling, bottling, drying and freezing their produce so they could enjoy it all year round. She even made her own mincemeat ready for mince pies at Christmas time.
    Although I haven’t seen Pam for quite some time I will always remember her lovely walks.

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