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The passing of Alan Cattell

It was with great sadness that we heard of Alan’s death on 12th December.

We first met Alan and Liz in 2002, although they had joined Saltford Walkers during the 1990s and discovered that Peter had a lot in common with them with regard to long walking. As a result of this we became, not just walking friends, but firm friends outside of the group as well, and spent many happy times with them including quite a lot of New Years Eves. Alan was a first class leader and led many walks on the Mendips and around Somerset, taking in his home ground of Westbury-sub-Mendip. Alan and Liz also enjoyed many holidays with Saltford Walkers and he always led walks on these holidays.

As a consequence of meeting them at Saltford Walkers, Peter introduced them to Bristol HF Walking Group where they walked almost every Saturday (apart from Saltford Walkers days!) and Alan and Liz also led walks for them.

Although illness stopped him walking several years ago, Alan will be remembered by those who knew him as a fine man and one of the strongest walkers. He is already greatly missed.

Peter and Betty Fry.

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