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Long Walkers walk – Saturday 6th November, 2021

13 hardy souls set off in the rain down an old lane before heading west across fields. We stopped at some ruins in a copse – original use unknown – before heading steeply up, through to the Cold Ashton road. In Cold Ashton we had a short coffee break before heading down into the valley where we started following the Limestone Link trail as far as St. Catharine. This was very muddy, and sometimes it took us through streams. A little ridge by the path seemed an ideal spot to sit for lunch before reaching a short section of road walking.

I missed the correct steep climb out of the valley so took the next footpath which turned out to be less steep but more slippery. At the top, we joined another road past Ashwicke Hall before heading across more fields heading into Marshfield at the east end of the town, allowing us to walk through the church yard and along the whole length of the high street back to our cars.

Hardy Souls

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