This walk was planned nearly 18 months before we actually walked it. It was delayed because of the pandemic, and then got cancelled twice because of bad weather. However, this time the weather could not have been better.
There were just 7 of us, and it was the first walk of the year after the lifting of the lockdown. We had a great time, having not seen each other for such a long time. We had one guest – and potential new member – with us: Elizabeth, and the photos come courtesy of her (she is not in any of them).

Our first climb took us through the village of Butcombe, and we stopped along the ridge overlooking Blagdon Lake (above) to have our morning coffee break. The route along the top followed the Two Rivers Way, and we went along there until it met Monarch’s Way, where we turned off and headed for Compton Martin.

In places, the navigation was quite a challenge, as there was sometimes no evidence of any path at all. However, the two expert leaders (in the photo above) never needed to stop and debate which way to go, or turn back having gone the wrong way. (Ahem… well that’s nearly true)

Later in the afternoon it clouded over a bit, which was welcome, as we were all beginning to get a bit hot. Actually, I got quite sunburnt, but I didn’t notice till afterwards.

A short break – we think this is where that stick leaning against the roller decided to take a much longer break than the rest of us.

Back at Blagdon overlooking the lake again, after the only really arduous climb – or at least that was my opinion. Some of the others seemed to dispute that claim, and made doubly sure that I was aware of that (I planned and led the walk, along with Izzy). Maybe, to me it was because the other climbs were near the beginning and I wasn’t so tired then.

And this is near the end, with only minimal bovine encounters. At the farm below here, the herdsman kindly let us pass before leading his cows to the afternoon milking along the path we had just walked.
I have placed an order for a repeat of the weather on our next walk.
Well, if Nigel C’s knees don’t make people join, nothing will! Looks like great walk
An excellent walk, despite forgetting the stick. Such a shame the knobbly knees competition I’d prepared for was cancelled for lack of entries.